Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

Use usb to charge the laser pointer?

Medium power laser. Looking directly at a beam can cause light damage. It can be further divided into IIIA and IIIB. Class IIIA lasers have an output range of 1 to 5 mW and beam energy densities of 25 W/Mm or less. Typical applications are similar to Class II, such as laser sites and laser scanners. Class IIIB lasers have an output range of 5 to 500 mW. Optical systems, especially high-power systems, require large amounts of voltage, and power-related problems can lead to erratic output power and catastrophic damage. No stable power supply, no stable laser output.

The general public often asks what is the range of the Laser Pointer. In response to this interest, some manufacturers have specified dubious figures. If the question of how far the laser pointer's light can travel is correct, there is no limit to the correct answer as long as the light is not absorbed or scattered in the atmosphere. However, the spread of the beam eventually increases its area. Even if the total power stays the same, it will decrease on the screen. As a result, the pilot of the aircraft looking down on the beam from an altitude of 10km will not be disturbed by the remaining small intensity.

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